I have tried a number of meshes for different areas and concluded that they either did: nothing to enhance the visuals or they caused problems with other local or small area scenery addons. Over my time in FSX (and that now includes 3 complete rebuilds) I have learnt that in some areas it is not the mesh that is the issue but the LC and then possibly the mesh. IN other areas the basic data is not available and no amount of mesh will fix it, case in point a lot of desert areas and the Himalyas and Andes Mountain range areas which leave a lot to be desired no matter what you use. The trouble with FSX is also that some areas were actually done very well and other than specialised addons for airports or some unusual scenery feature the basic of default FSX scenery and mesh was just fine, as an example, Japan, it is very good indeed probably because it was extensively worked on over the years by the ACE team. By and large ORBX Global addressed this nicely, even if the autogen with it is not, well, ideal but OK. I learned all this the hard way from working on a number of obscure islands or coastal areas in the Pacific region, where in FSX I would use the correct lat and long for the area and discover that it was not there, water for example instead of sandy flats. ORBX trees also did wonders around the globe and reduced the autogen load as well and is highly recommended. I found ORBX Global alone fixed up a number of areas in different parts of the world where there were significant inaccuracies between the real world outlines etc and what FSX was showing. Well I would say as above: ORBX GLOBAL, ORBX VECTOR and then appropriate ORBX LC and other special scenery packages for specific areas. I'd especially like to see some good scenery for mountainous regions with nicely crenelated alpine peaks instead of mountains of partially melted ice cream, but that's probably asking too much. But I'd like to get some opinions on what mesh (presumably 19-metre) works best with ORBX? I have some older FS Genesis stuff for North America, Alaska, and Hawaii, which, along with NZ, are my main focus flying-wise, but I'd like to expand to the UK and Europe eventually. On my old system I had ORBX for New Zealand - both North and South Islands - and was quite happy with it, so I've decided to commit to ORBX on a larger scale and will eventually get as much of their stuff as I want to tailor to my flying style and experience. I've got the sim up and running and I've been re-familiarizing myself with things and doing some fun flying.

I'm still plugging away at re-installing FSX on to my relatively new, custom rig.